Workers Compensation
If you have been injured at work you may need to file a Worker’s Compensation claim. Dealing with the forms and process of the compensation system can be difficult. Attorney Paul Wolf can help guide your case through the system to ensure that the injury you suffered is properly addressed.

Unlike other personal injury matters, the Worker’s Compensation Board determines the amount your attorney is paid for their services to you. The attorney fee which comes out of the amount you receive is typically between 10% to 20% of your compensation award.

It is worth the cost of the attorney fee to have an attorney working with you. If other parties contributed to the cause of your injury such as a product manufacturer, contractor, etc., you may be able to seek compensation from them in addition to Workers Compensation. Attorney Paul Wolf can assist you with all of these issues.

If you would like to discuss a worker’s compensation case, please contact Paul Wolf, Esq. at or by calling our office at (716) 633-1400.

Additional Resources
Prior to coming to your office appointment, please print the form in the link below, fill it out and bring it with you. This completed form will be very helpful in understanding your claim.